Do you really appreciate all the work that I've put into Jane Music, and wish you could show it somehow?

Do you have a lot of bootlegs on CD that you'd like to share, but simply don't have the power to encode and share with everyone?

Do you have a CD burner and a couple of spare discs?

Please consider then, performing a Random Act of Kindness and mailing me a few bootlegs on CDR.

There are advantages to CDR over MP3 of course - the most obvious being perfect reproduction and the fact I can play it in the lounge or in the car. And it's always nice to be expecting a package in the mail :)

Any discs I receive that aren't already in the collection, will be encoded and put up on the Jane site for everyone.

If you're keen to share your music with me, please send me an email.

I'm sorry, but I have too many committments to actively "trade CDs" with people, and have decided to return to the Finn community in the way I can best - with this wonderful repository of bootlegs.

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Standard disclaimer applies. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Tell your friends, carefully.
Site operator can be contacted on

Jane Music wishes to thank :: Deeper Design :: Enlighten Designs :: dubculture :: and the number 27.
Please note, Jane Music is privately operated and is not endorsed by any of the above organisations.