The Frenz of the Enz fanclub, over a number of years, have produced around 30 live CDs for their members.

Conversations with Peter Green, Fanclub president, regarding bootlegging, raise his major concerns:

> There already is one Crowded House Bootlegg cd released from material gathered from MP3' the internet.

This does not benefit Neil Finn, because he does not collect any royalties. Now you might say "well, he doesn't collect any royalties off private trades either", but private trades do not harm an artist in this way. Bootleg CDs released by companies in this fashion harm an artist, and if it continues then the fan club will simply not release any more CDs. Some of the best Crowded House shows ever have only been released as fan club CDs, and if this system were to stop we would lose a very important community asset.

> One important thing we DO NOT want any MP3's of club cds on the internet, that is an area that we do own full copyright on .....they are purely for club members.....which I'm fairly sure you are aware of anyway.

With respect to the work and effort that PG puts into promoting the Finns, especially in the area of making these CDs available, Jane Music respects these wishes. Fan Club CDs are NOT WELCOME on Jane Music. Please do not ask for them to be uploaded.

> yes of course you are fine about being a club member and receiving copies for your own listening pleasure, that is the main reason for the club cds

However, the owner of Jane Music, as a fan club member, is interested in privately receiving copies of these shows, and trading them with other fan club members. Please email for information.

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